At Chinova Resources we consider sustainability to be integral to our future.
It is core to our operational approach, which requires us to manage our risks to reduce our potential environmental, social, economic and cultural impacts.
This includes supporting and promoting our communities, the surrounding environment and supporting the rights of indigenous people.

In accordance with our Health, Safety and Environmental Policy we incorporate environmental management into all areas of our mining operations to ensure appropriate management of associated risks and any potential impacts that may occur through all cycles of Chinova’s business.
We acknowledge that our operations can have an environmental impact, which consequently can impact our community and business success. Therefore, we are aware that we have a role in minimising adverse environmental impacts through achieving legislative compliance and fostering continual improvement, so as to meet the expectations of all Stakeholders.
At Chinova we appreciate that water stewardship is a shared responsibility and access to safe, clean water is a basic human right, which is central to the livelihoods of our neighbouring landholders and essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems.
Further, water is integral to our Operations and their future sustainability. We cannot operate without it. Due to the remote location of our mining operations, water is a scare resource, with groundwater being the only viable source available for our operations.
Consequently, we have numerous approved water licenses that gives us extraction rights to the local groundwater. This water is used in various activities, including:
- Extraction for activities including ore processing, dust suppression and process of mine tailings,
- Dewatering activities of our underground operations, so as to allow access to the ore body,
- Providing drinking water and sanitation facilities, and
- Controlled discharge rights back to the receiving environment.
As part of our water management responsibility is achieving our statutory obligations under our Environmental Authorities. This includes:
- Quarterly groundwater compliance monitoring,
- Event based surface water monitoring, and
- Annual reporting obligations to external stakeholders.

Land conservation at Chinova involves limiting the area of our Operations’ disturbance, which is best achieved through adherence with Chinova’s Environmental Authorities and internal processes such as the Permit to Disturb procedure and Progressive Rehabilitation Closure Plan.
As part of our approach to environment risk management, in terms of land and biodiversity management, external survey and mapping of key features, including significant and vulnerable fauna or flora species, and their ecosystems is conducted and considered during Chinova’s mine planning and land rehabilitation process.
To further promote Chinova’s environmental performance is the regular review of our internal processes such as, hydrocarbon and chemical, water and rehabilitation management, which has demonstrated improved operational efficiencies, cost, and overall business viability.
At Chinova, we are aware of the potential financial, environmental and social risks associated with mine closure, and the importance of incorporating closure objectives in our mine planning, decision-making and activities throughout an Operation’s life-of-mine.
Consequently, we seek to create a consensus with Stakeholders on a shared vision for the lands on which Chinova operates, balancing environmental and community considerations with long-term capital implications associated with activities such as water treatment, repurposing and/ or land rehabilitation. Ultimately, at Chinova, our objective is to leave a positive legacy, delivering value for our Business and our Stakeholders.
Accordingly, we look for commercial opportunities to repurpose assets to reduce the social and financial impact of mine closure. This is demonstrated through the periodic assessment of our plant and infrastructure, and auctioning to surrounding local businesses redundant items no longer required by the Business.

Social Responsibility
At Chinova, we understand that our people and community are vital to our success, therefore we have a shared value in creating robust relationships that are built on a foundation of trust and mutual benefit. In short, we view them as being an essential part of securing and maintaining our Social Licence to operate.
Our Operations are set amongst some of the most vibrant and charismatic rural communities. Therefore, our partnering opportunities and community investments are unique and tailored to the needs of local community and businesses.
We have contributed to local community in a variety of way, such as local sponsorships, donations and partnerships, local employment opportunities and local procurement.
Every year, Chinova facilitate a ‘Locals Day’, which allows community groups, landholders and Government agencies to come together to share Chinova’s achievements and future plans.

Cultural Heritage
We engage and work closely with Indigenous groups such as the Yulluna People to ensure the local environment is looked after for future generations. This is demonstrated through our regular interaction with the Yulluna People to meet on country and assist in fostering the ability of their youth to Return to Country.
As stipulated under our Cultural Heritage Agreement with the Yulluna, prior to any land disturbance occurring, we invite the Yulluna to site so as to conduct area artefact surveys.
Further, as part of our Business approach regarding local employment opportunities, we offer as part of our recruitment process roles to the Yulluna.